10 Reasons Why Training Outdoors is Good For You

10 Reasons Why Training Outdoors is Good For You

1a. It lowers blood pressure and reduces stress

Studies have shown that physical activity outdoors lowers a person's blood pressure and heart rate. As a result, exercise outdoors feels less strenuous than similar exercise indoors, which, in turn, pushes you closer to your maximum performance. Train outdoors, push yourself to the limit and keep breaking your personal record!

1b Enhanced Self-esteem

Research shows that as little as five minutes of outdoor exercise can improve self-esteem (Barton and Pretty, 2010). Any outdoor location will do, but being near greenery or water enhances this effect. Interestingly, low- to moderate-intensity physical activity shows greater improvements in self-esteem than high-intensity outdoor exercise. Activities shown to improve self-esteem include walking, cycling, horseback riding, fishing and gardening. A regular dose of outdoor activity can help boost the already powerful esteem-enhancing effect of exercise.

 Outdoor exercise has been proven to reduce stress.

2. Helps with insomnia

When you exercise outdoors, you get fresh air which helps to alleviate insomnia. Regular exercise and fresh air will help you to fall asleep and improve the quality of your sleep!


Regular exercise and fresh air will also improve the quality of your sleep.

3. Sunshine

When training outdoors, you can also enjoy the benefits of sunshine. Fresh outdoor air and natural light invigorate and provide more energy for the mind and body. Sunshine provides the vitamin D that we need, you will get a suntan while training and the sun will lift your spirits! Sunlight also enhances energy generation in the muscles and oxidation of the tissues.

When training outdoors, take account of the possible harm caused by excessive sunlight, such as dehydration and sunburn. So don’t forget protective sunscreen and hydration while training outdoors!

There is no better place for a workout than outside in the sun! However, remember sunscreen and a bottle of water.

4. Free of charge

Outdoor workouts are often completely free of charge, because exercise parks, sports tracks, stairs and other exercise locations outdoors are usually open to all and free of charge. Outdoor exercise is good for your wallet!

Grab a ball and get out!

5. Saves time and nature

Think creatively about your surroundings and devise an intensive training session on a nearby jogging track, hill or stairs, for example. Training locations are often closer than you think! Using nearby locations saves not only time but also natural resources, since there is no need to take your car to your workout. Did you know that the exercise products we provide are designed, manufactured, packaged and transported to their final location, while keeping the environmental load to a minimum?


Why not save time and do your workout on the way home from work, for example?

6. Variation in your regular workout

Break the routine! Perform your indoor workout outdoors and include movements such as bodyweight exercises, which are easy to do outside. Most bodyweight exercises are multi-joint movements and therefore super effective! A bodyweight workout will enhance your coordination, balance and mobility in particular.


Bodyweight training has become popular again. No wonder, because it is super effective!

7. The chance to try something new 

Take your workout to a new level, try something new! Take advantage of new training opportunities to add content to your standard workout, or create a whole new routine. Have you already tried activities such as parkour or street workout? Make your workout different, more effective and refreshing!

Street workout is popular all over the world.

8. Vary your regular training environment

Leave the stuffy and dark gym behind and do your workout in a fresh and bright setting outdoors; enjoying the multiple benefits of an outdoor workout. Cities offer a multitude of workout venues. Exercise parks, sports fields, stairs and exercise areas along jogging trails provide a range of opportunities to diversify your workout and explore new training places.


Fresh air is easy to breathe!

9. The chance to train together 

Most outdoor workout sites such as sports parks and tracks are open to everyone, free of charge. This will enable you to train and spend time exercising together with your friends and nearest and dearest, who do not go to the same gym with you. Moreover, training outdoors is an excellent opportunity to meet new people while performing your workout!


Children love the outdoors as well, particularly if the exercise area is adjacent to a playground.

10. Better mood

All in all, outdoor exercise benefits the whole body by bringing joy, well-being and a better mood!